Twelfth Step Within does not focus on attracting new members; it explicitly supports the ones we already have. Anyone who is abstinent and working his or her own recovery can do this service. No special qualifications are necessary; only willingness is needed. We can all help carry the message of recovery through abstinence and working the Steps by (1) being well ourselves; (2) giving service, sponsorship and friendship; (3) encouraging membership retention; and (4) attending meetings and OA events.
Twelfth Step Within
Twelfth Step Within
- Is it “Time for Twelfth-Step-Within?”
- Look at or print out the Region Six Twelfth Step Within Telephone Call flyer for suggestions on reaching out by telephone.
- Bring up the annual Twelfth Step Within Day on December 12th (12/12) at your meetings to encourage members to reach out and perhaps hold a special meeting.
- Print out the article Been Slipping and Sliding? A Reading and Writing Tool
Hand-outs on The Spiritual Principles of the Twelve Steps:
For an in-depth study of the Twelve Steps, read The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, available from the OA Bookstore.
- Step One: Honesty (TSW committee for October 2013)
- Step Two & Step Three: Hope & Faith (TSW committee for November 2013)
- Step Four & Step Five: Courage & Integrity (TSW committee for December 2013)
- Step Six: Willingness (TSW committee for January 2014)
- Step Seven: Humility (TSW committee for February 2014)
- Step Eight & Step Nine: Self-discipline & Love (TSW committee for March 2014)
- Step Ten: Perseverance (TSW committee for April 2014)
- Step Eleven: Spiritual Awareness (TSW committee for May 2014)
- Step Twelve: Service (TSW committee for June 2014)
Hand-outs based on the Twelfth-Step-Within Handbook
available from the OA Bookstore:
- Together We Can Do What We Could Never Do Alone and the Recovery Insurance Policy (TSW committee for December 2012)
- Is Your Twelfth Step Within Service Safe and Caring (TSW committee for January 2013)
- How Do You Treat Newcomers And Those in Relapse? (TSW committee for February 2013)
- Are You Willing to Work With Those Who Are Still Suffering? (TSW committee for March 2013)
- How Can You Strengthen Your Own Recovery? (TSW committee for April 2013)
- How Do We Carry The Message? (TSW committee for May 2013)
- How Do We Work With Others? (TSW committee for June 2013)
- Sponsoring: A Privilege and a Responsibility (TSW committee for September 2013)
- Sponsorship Opportunities (TSW committee for September 2013)