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Twelfth Step Within

Twelfth Step Within

Twelfth Step Within does not focus on attracting new members; it explicitly supports the ones we already have. Anyone who is abstinent and working his or her own recovery can do this service. No special qualifications are necessary; only willingness is needed. We can all help carry the message of recovery through abstinence and working the Steps by (1) being well ourselves; (2) giving service, sponsorship and friendship; (3) encouraging membership retention; and (4) attending meetings and OA events.

Strengthen Your Recovery

Sponsorship Resources

Recovery from Relapse Resources

Hand-outs on The Spiritual Principles of the Twelve Steps:

For an in-depth study of the Twelve Steps, read The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, available from the OA Bookstore.

Hand-outs based on the Twelfth-Step-Within Handbook

available from the OA Bookstore:

The Promises and Twist on the Promises


This website is maintained by the New Hampshire Intergroup (NHI) of Overeaters Anonymous®.
Opinions expressed are not the opinions of NHI or OA as a whole. Comments about site content, or suggestions, should be sent to the NHI Webmaster.

Permission to use the Overeaters Anonymous logo was renewed by the World Service Office of Overeaters Anonymous on July 30, 2024.