New Hampshire Intergroup is made up of officers, committee chairs, and committee members. For more information about each of these roles, please refer to their respective descriptions below.
Status: Filled
Contact the NHI Chair
- Draw up agenda for monthly NHI business meetings and bring 10 printed copies of the agenda to the meeting.
- Submit and track receipts from all chairperson related expenses for reimbursement by treasurer. Authorized expenses may include postage, printing, supplies and phone charges.
- Preside over and conduct monthly NHI business meetings in accordance with “Roberts’ Rules of Order for Parliamentary Procedure”.
- Call any special meetings of NHI and preside over those meetings in the same manner.
- Ensure that general account of NHI be audited annually.
- Cast deciding vote in the event of a tie.
- Sign all NHI account checks in the absence of Treasurer.
- Establish short and long-term goals from input of Intergroup representatives.
- Be an ex-officio member of all NHI standing committees.
- Keep current on all committee projects and affairs.
- Maintain regular contact with officers and committee chairs between meetings regarding status of projects.
- Make decision regarding cancellation of NHI meetings due to inclement weather and initiate communication process.
Status: Vacant
Contact the NHI Vice Chair
- Serve in the absence of the Chair in accordance with Article IV, Section 6A of the bylaws.
- Submit and track receipts from all vice-chairperson related expenses for reimbursement by treasurer.
- Authorized expenses may include postage, printing, supplies and phone charges.
- Make follow-up contact with new Group Representatives after their first meeting at NHI, to orient and support the Rep.
- Provide new reps with up-to-date binders
- Order literature for binders when needed
- Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee for yearly elections.
- Call NHTI Security at 10:30 a.m. day of the monthly Sunday business meeting to remind them to unlock Room 318 in Sweeney Hall from 1pm to 4pm. NHTI Security can be reached at (603) 224-3287.
Status: Filled
Contact the NHI Recording Secretary
- Take notes of everything that happens during meetings. All reports, motions and discussions are recorded.
- Record the meetings to ensure accuracy of the minutes. The recordings are not kept as a permanent record.
- Create the Secretary’s report, using meeting notes and the recording. Submit to the NHI Chair a copy of the report for review one week prior to next NHI business meeting. Chair will offer corrections/clarifications, and the Secretary will assist Chair in setting agenda for the upcoming meeting.
- Distribute copies of the final draft report, via email to the NHI group reps prior to the next meeting and deliver 10 printed copies for review at the next meeting.
- Review final report with intergroup at next meeting, noting any necessary corrections.
- Submit final report to webmaster for posting on NHI website.
- Maintain attendance records of meeting.
- Maintain copies of all minutes, treasurer’s reports, newsletters and other pertinent records in a safe and responsible manner.
- Submit and track receipts from all secretarial expenses for reimbursement by treasurer. Authorized expenses may include postage, printing, supplies and phone charges.
- Answer correspondence directed to the secretary or as directed by NHI.
- Maintain document version control when performing the following tasks:
- Update NHI By-Laws and NHI Charter as needed.
- Update NHI History and NHI Policies and Procedures at year’s end.
- Update NHI officer and committee job descriptions using input from current officers and committee chairmen.
- Update NHI Speakers List.
- Perform service, as possible, to support NHI officers, NHI members and local meetings.
Status: Filled
Contact the NHI Treasurer
- Maintain a checking account established in the name of New Hampshire Intergroup for dispersal of NHI funds.
- Be the guardian of all funds received and disbursed.
- Record contributions received via cash, check, money order, or PayPal.
- Reconcile checkbook register monthly by accessing TD Bank online and printing monthly statement. The total of the general fund + retreat fund +delegates fund must match checkbook balance.
- Pay expenses using checks, debit card, or PayPal: review each expense for accuracy. Expenses may include printing of meeting lists, flyers and reports; postage; telephone charges; insurance; mileage; public information; Region 6 Rep and WSO Delegate expenses; sharathon and retreat expenses.
- Pay rent monthly, or per current arrangement, to meeting space provider.
- Send contribution to World Service per group conscience.
- Send contribution to World Service and Region 6 per group conscience.
- Keep running totals of current year’s retreat and sharathon expenses.
- Prepare a monthly treasurer’s report to include a comparison to the yearly budget.
- Email PDF version of the Treasurer’s report to NHI Secretary for distribution and print 15 copies to bring to the NHI meeting.
- Transfers and manages money in NHI’s Fund Accounts in keeping with approved budget amounts – General Fund, Delegates Fund and Retreat Fund.
- Prepare an annual budget with input from the Budget Committee in October; present budget at the November NHI meeting and seek approval at the December meeting.
- Every 6 months, asks at the NHI meeting for 2 volunteers to stay after the meeting to “audit” the past 6 months of expenses.
- Files IRS postcard for non-profits annually using online system. Deadline is May 15th.
Status: Filled
Contact the Parliamentarian
- Be familiar with Roberts Rules of Order and their application.
- Settle questions of rules and procedures during NHI meetings.
- Interpret the rules on matters concerning NHI Bylaws and Charter.
Status: Filled
Contact the NHI’s World Service Delegates
- Ensure that all meetings are informed about all motions that are being considered for the annual World Service Business Conference (WSBC).
- Represent NHI at the annual WSBC.
- Provide a written report to NHI regarding the business that transpired at the annual WSBC.
- Also serve as Region Six Representative(s).
Status: Filled
Contact the NHI’s Region 6 Representatives
- Represent NHI at the Region Six Assemblies.
- Provide a written report to NHI regarding the business that transpired at the Region Six Assemblies.